This historical data can be sorted and exported as a comma-separated value ( CSV) file, which enables the data to be imported into spreadsheets and other applications. 这些历史数据可以排序,导出为逗号分隔值(CSV)文件,这样可以让数据导入电子表格和其他应用程序中。
IBM Optim Data Growth Solution enables you to archive historical transaction records, storing them securely and cost-effectively in a compressed archived file. IBMOptimDataGrowthSolution可以帮助您归档历史交易记录,它可以将这些记录安全且成本有效地存储在一个压缩归档文件中。
The historical file of email should be put on diskettes. 电子邮件的历史文本应当保存在磁盘上。
Research and analysis of the characteristics and tendency of the development of our file protection technique is a historical task of file and material workers in China. 研究和分析我国档案保护技术的发展特点与趋势,是我国从事档案和资料管理工作部门诸同志肩负的历史使命。
For the historical reasons, corporate data are commonly kept in the forms of file, relation database and document database, etc. 由于历史的原因,企业数据一般由文件、关系型数据库、文档型数据库等构成。
The database of corrosion ca-ses could provide a simple and convenient way for the historical file management of equipment corrosion in petroleum refining industry. 腐蚀事例数据库为各炼油企业设备腐蚀历史档案管理提供了一种简便易行的方法。
At the moment of this historical 'mark' perishing, to record, to study this special language phenomenon, to analyze the formative reasons and developing trends and to save a special language file in the Macau language society are all the aims of this article. 在这历史印记趋於消亡之际,记录、研究这一特殊的语言现象,分析其形咸的原因与发展脉络,为澳门语言社会保存一份特殊的语言档案,是本文撰写的要旨。
It covers the interrelation between the file historical data and the history study, the evolution of the thought in the compilation the file historical data on the Boxer and the development of the study on the history of the Boxer Movement. 这部分内容包括档案史料与历史研究的互动关系,义和团档案史料编纂思想演变与义和团运动史研究的发展。
The third part mainly discusses the historiography contribution of Jiang Ting-fu from two aspects: sorting historical file and historical education. 第三部分主要从档案史料的整理和历史教育两个方面来论述蒋廷黻的史学贡献。
Based on the historical file data, the method of the financial history study paves the way for fully learning the financial evolution, and provides a broader space for the development of the economic history of Mongolia. 以档案史料为中心的研究地区财政史的方法,为全面了解民国时期土默特旗财政演变铺垫出一条小径,为蒙古族经济史研究领域的拓展提供了更为广阔的空间。
This information can be based on historical customers on the web server log file analysis to be left behind. 这些信息都可以根据历来顾客在网站服务器上留下的日志文件分析得到。
Conditional Arrest proposed has its certain historical background and forming process, the procurator organs at various levels are associated with internal file to do the specific provisions, Beijing Shanghai Chongqing and other places of procurator organs in the judicial practice has made the beneficial exploration. 附条件逮捕制度的提出有其一定的历史背景及过程,各级检察机关的相关内部文件对其做了具体规定,北京上海重庆等地检察机关在司法实践中也对其作出了有益探索。